New Moon-Jan.29-2025

This new Moon occurring at the end of the month on January 29th is in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the rebel but also the friend and humanitarian. The old saying is “The Aquarian marches to the tune of a different drummer.” On this New Moon the Sun and Moon happen to be very close to the Ascendant of this chart which is also Aquarius. In addition, there is a positive Trine aspect between the Sun, Moon and Ascendant and Jupiter in Gemini which intensifies the Aquarius since Jupiter is very positive and expansive. So, all of this indicates that it is a good time to undertake new projects that are off the traditional path.

There is also a significant water Trine between Mars, the planet of energy and achievement, in Cancer, the sign of nurturing and a lineup of planets in Pisces (including Neptune its ruler,) the sign of spirituality, emotional expression and music.

There is so much positive energy on this chart which I hope indicates our society might be going off on a new direction that could be fulfilling for everyone. It is not what most of us were expecting but I hope it is true and that it is a meaningful time for everyone.(Or at least most of us)

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