Full Moon-Oct. 5th, 2017 Washington, D.C.

I calculated the chart for this full moon in Washington, D.C. because of all of the upheaval there and was not surprised to find that it is a very dramatic chart. Capricorn is rising with Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth right on the Ascendant. Since Capricorn represents the structures of society, this is a moment when those structures are challenged to transform and evolve. The Sun on this chart is in the sign of Libra conjunct Mercury the planet of communication. Libra is symbolic of diplomacy so this is an important time for transforming the way we communicate and conduct diplomacy. Opposing, this Sun in Libra is the Moon in Aries which is symbolic of individual assertion, striking out on one’s own. These 3 opposing forces are forming an aspect called a T-Square so the challenge is to integrate all of these energies: to express oneself in an individualistic way but also to be diplomatic and open to change. Hopefully our government will be able to do this in negotiations with North Korea but it is a major challenge considering the big egos that are involved.

Full moons can affect us for as long as 6 months so it will not be just for the particular day it occurs. On one’s individual chart if one is born under the sign of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra or has their Moon in one of those signs-particularly between 10 and 18 degrees- that person will be affected the most by this full Moon. The challenge is to be open to changing the way one communicates and to be willing to compromise at the same time as one asserts one’s individuality.