Full Moon-January 6,2023
This Full Moon is between the Sun in earthy Capricorn and the Moon in watery Cancer-between the practical and perfectionistic and the emotional and nurturing. It is always a balancing act. At this time the Sun is aligned with Mercury, the messenger, which is retrograde. This aspect indicates that communication and travel may have challenges or disruptions. It is important to plan well in advance and go with the flow if things do not go according to your plans. If you can go with the unexpected, it may hold pleasant surprises as shown by the positive Trine aspect from Mercury to Uranus, the planet of unexpected changes.
There is also a positive aspect between the Moon and Uranus. Again, this shows the positive can emerge from an emotionally challenging situation if one keeps an open and calm attitude to disruption of plans. There is also a positive aspect to Neptune indicating that it can be a time of spiritual awakening.
Another challenging aspect is between Venus, the planet of relationships and creativity, in Aquarius and the Nodal axis between Taurus and Scorpio. This could indicate that creativity and relationships can thrive only if one doesn’t get bogged down in old emotional issues.
I did this chart for New York City instead of Washington D.C. but it still holds true for the government. If the government cannot adapt to changes there can be a lot of challenges as we are already seeing by the Republicans disaster during their 1st few days of the new House takeover. Now, it seems that the Democrats will be leading the House as they remained calm and reasonable. Biden has also been showing that his goal is to reach across the aisle and get things done even amid turmoil.
Actually,The Republicans finally elected Kevin McCarthy to the house so we’ll see what happens.If the rebellious side takes charge there could be total disruption as shown by the Venus in Aquarius squaring the Nodal Axis. However,if friendship and communication prevails which is possible with Venus in Aquarius trining Mars in Gemini ,then some important things may be accomplished. We’ll just have to wait and see.