Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse-June 5th,2020-Washington, D.C.

This is a particularly potent full Moon as it’s a Lunar Eclipse and the eclipses affect us for about 6 months from the time they occur. In this full Moon the Sun is in Gemini, sign of communication along with Venus, goddess of love and creativity, and opposite the Moon in Sagittarius, sign of the adventurer, the teacher and the risk taker. The Sun and the Moon are both in conflict with Neptune and mars in Pisces, the sign of the mystic and the inner realm of feelings. We are already experiencing strong emotional reactions from what has been communicated by the video of the murder of George Floyd. Strong emotions are emerging everywhere with empathy and compassion for the victim and empathy for the struggle of Black people in our society. There are many willing to risk everything by protesting and others who are responding emotionally and trying to quell the protests. Powerful feelings are bursting out all over.

Mercury, messenger of the Gods and ruler of the Gemini Sun is in the emotional sign of Cancer, the nurturer, the mother. There are many statements by mothers of Black men who are coming forth and expressing how much they always fear for the safety of their sons in a culture with so much police brutality directed at them. Their statements are emotional and powerful as evidenced by the trine to Mars and Neptune. The Planet Uranus is making a sextile aspect to both Mars and Neptune indicating the spontaneous and intuitive responses happening in so many places. This is a time for all of us to tap into our deepest feelings of compassion and express them to others and do whatever we can do to make a difference in our world.

Chiron, the wounded healer is in the 6th house of health on this chart for Washington D.C. indicating that we, the people, and our government is still dealing with the health crisis and the wounding of our whole country. With Libra on the ascendant, the sign of relationship and diplomacy, there is a strong need for these qualities in a leader at this time and those who rise to the challenge will be the ones reelected or newly elected in November-which is within the six month period following the eclipses.

The Covid19 pandemic is definitely not over and we’re in for waves of rising and falling numbers of infections and deaths as Jupiter and Saturn both retrograde back to Pluto, the planet of death. Again, those who respond with empathy and wisdom to this situation will be the ones elected in November.