Full Moon-Feb.9th,2020-Washington, D.C.

This full Moon chart which is done for Washington, D.C. has an ascendant in the fire sign of Sagittarius indicating that in the government there will be a lot of spontaneity and risk taking. The Moon is in Leo, another fire sign-this one associated with performances-working the crowd. We are already seeing this happening in Washington with the president’s response to the ending of the impeachment trial. The Sun is in Aquarius, the sign associated with humanitarianism but it’s also the rebel. The president definitely has a rebellious attitude at this point but is also trying to project a humanitarian image in some of the people he invited to the State of the Union address. However, in the next few days after the night of the address, he showed a lot of anger connected to his wounded ego-that shows up in the chart with the Venus conjunct Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer and Venus is goddess of relationships. Those 2 planets are squaring the nodes of the Moon in Cancer and Capricorn indicating his need to nurture himself by punishing those he views as causing him anguish.
The behavior described is not necessarily the outcome of these aspects. It depends on what aspects the planets are making to one’s own chart. In the case of Trump, the planet Mars, God of assertion and aggression is hitting his Moon (the emotions) so out of emotional pain, he is attacking. Also, the Mars is making an inconjunct to the Venus-Saturn conjunction on his natal chart which shows his emotional insecurity so he is set off by what he perceives as attacks on himself.
On a personal level, the full Moon in Aquarius can indicate a time of Humanitarian action and strong leadership and we have seen that illustrated by the actions of some of the members of the House and Senate. It can be a time of embarking on a new venture that is personally fulfilling but outside the mainstream or one’s conditioning. With Mercury, the communicator in Pisces, the sign of compassion and psychic ability and sextile Uranus associated with flashes of insight, it can be a time to receive insights from the unconscious and be guided to embark on something that is fulfilling one’s deepest needs. Since Mars is squaring Neptune it’s important not to act impulsively but to be guided by one’s inner wisdom-to listen on the deepest levels. Therefore, it’s an excellent time to get into a regular meditation practice. It’s also important to be aware of one’s own inner wounds and to forgive oneself for past mistakes and nourish oneself and others. This is shown by the Venus Chiron conjunction squaring the Nodes of the Moon in Cancer and Capricorn. When one becomes clear about one’s deepest needs and desires, the energy is there to act on them and take the risk since the Mars is in a positive aspect to the Sun and Moon.